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Our Story

It began in late January of 2024, two days after my seventeenth birthday. For the past few months I had begun really diving into the scene of literary magazine's, one of those being 'The Empty Inkwell' which begun to really inspire me. I was always a creative person, an affinity for art, design, prose and poetry (the skill of photography was something I could never grasp) so I though to myself;

'I want to create something, something that I can use my creativity for and have as a interest project to work on alongside school' Which is where I had the idea of creating my own literary magazine by myself. 

I had wildly underestimated the amount of work that was required to get everything starting without the help of anyone but when I accomplished everything little by little I felt more accomplished than ever before; that is what made everything worth it. Thank you for checking this out and I hope you stick by us as we continue to grow and establish our name in the literary magazine world!


Founding Return To, If Lost literary magazine,

Nick Barr - Founder & Lead Designer

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Creativity. Connection. Passion.

Our team is dedicated to working with young creatives to help get your work recognised and published. We are made up of young people each with our own passions and specialties so we encourage you to check out each persons work on their individual Instagram's or reach out via their email (if listed)!

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